-Douching or anal cleansing involves using an instrument (the douche) that pushes warm water into the rectum and cleans out the anus from fecal matter.
-Douching is done to ensure that there isn't any poop left in the rectum to avoid any mess before anal sex or penetration.
-It also drains out any unpleasant odors, menstrual blood, and semen left in the rectum after sex to avoid the transmission of any potential STIs.
Here's a guide for the most common tool, a douche bulb.
1. Fill the bulb with warm water and stand over a toilet or bathtub.
2. Apply lube to the tip and insert the tip into your posterior. Don't put the nozzle all the way in!
3. Slowly release a good amount of water. Be sure to not allow any released water to get sucked back into the bulb.
4. Sit on the toilet and allow the water to flush.